SignMedia Magazine - July 2014

SignMedia Magazine - 2014 Sign Competition
SignCraft Magazine - May/June 2014

SignCraft Magazine - May/June 2014
Featured in "Signs We've Seen"
Signs: Both Captain Jack's Caribbean Ale signs
Signs: Both Captain Jack's Caribbean Ale signs
Sign and Digital Graphics Magazine - November 2012

Sign & Digital Graphics - November 2012
I'm honored to be featured on the cover
and a 3 page article by Amanda McGrory-Dixon in
Sign and Digital Graphics Magazine - Nov. 2012
and a 3 page article by Amanda McGrory-Dixon in
Sign and Digital Graphics Magazine - Nov. 2012
SignCraft Magazine - May/June 2012

SignCraft Magazine - May/June 2012
Featured in "Signs We've Seen"
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop
Sign of the Times Magazine - May 2012

Sign of the Times - Vinyl Apps
Featured in the magazines "Vinyl Apps" column.
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop
Sign of the Times Magazine - March 2012

3D Cupcake Sign
Enroute Software - Customer Profile

I was honoured to be featured on EnRoute Software's web site in the Case Study section (case studies are no longer on their website).
Modern Masters Paints - Inspiration Gallery

Last year I entered my Ooh La La cupcake sign into a Modern Masters Contest. Though I didn't win they did contact me and ask for permission to feature my sign in their Inspiration Gallery under the Metallic Paints Collection. It's an honour to be listed with such projects as the Academy Awards, Kodak Theater, Daytona 500, Le Cirque and Cirque du Soleil.
Sign Builder Illustrated Magazine - December 2011

Sign Builder Illustrated - 2011 Innovation Awards
2011 Innovation Awards
Awarded: 3rd Place (only Canadian to make it to the final 6 and then final 3) and Honorable Mention
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop and self-promotion piece "Jogs 4 Dogs"
Awarded: 3rd Place (only Canadian to make it to the final 6 and then final 3) and Honorable Mention
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop and self-promotion piece "Jogs 4 Dogs"
SignMedia Magazine - July 2011

SignMedia Magazine - 2011 Sign Competition
2011 National Sign Competition
Category: Sign Systems
Awarded: Runner-Up to my Creative 3D mentor Dan Sawatzky of Imagination Corporation
(Also featured on the Cover)
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop
Category: Sign Systems
Awarded: Runner-Up to my Creative 3D mentor Dan Sawatzky of Imagination Corporation
(Also featured on the Cover)
Client: Lolly Gobble Sweet Shop